The vine blossom is in progress. The vines have been in bloom here in Langenlois for about a week now. Depending on the location and grape variety, there are several days in between.
The fact that hardly anyone has a picture in mind when they hear the term „vine blossom“ is due to the fact that it is rather inconspicuous. After the vines have sprouted in April and May, the grapes can begin to flower from mid-May, depending on the weather. Many thicker buttons can be found on the flower stalk, which is only 5 to 10 centimeters long. These are not yet the fruits, but a protection of the flower. During the flowering period, these buttons pop open and the flower, consisting of five stamens and the clearly recognizable pistil, becomes visible. The small white flowers are barely visible among the fresh shoots and leaves. The flowers are barely recognizable from a distance. Only later in the year, when the flowers have become thick clusters, can they be easily spotted from the roadside.