Warum Begrünung und Schafe im Weingarten?
Wir nützen die ruhigere Zeit und möchten mit euch gerne ein paar Impressionen des Sommers teilen. Im Sommer 2024 war die ÖWM bei…
Our winery has for generations been synonymous with the combination of tradition and modern cellar technology, but always for uncompromising quality.
We have the privilege of living and working in one of the most beautiful wine-growing areas in Austria.
Our beautiful hometown Langenlois and the surrounding Kamptal valley offers us the best conditions for our typical wines and sparkling wines.
Every drop we create is an expression of our heritage, our passion and the unique characteristics of this wonderful region. Immerse yourself in our world of wine and let yourself be enchanted by the magic of Langenlois.
We are always on the road or planning events at our winery.
You can read a small excerpt below.
You are welcome to pick up your favorite wine and sparkling wine. You can also simply order via our online store or by e-mail.
We are also happy to send larger bottles of wine and sparkling wine on request. For individual inquiries, please contact us by e-mail at any time.
Discover the bestsellers from Steininger – exquisite wines that will delight connoisseurs and new discoverers alike. This selection represents the best of tradition, modern cellar technology and the incomparable taste of the Kamptal. Let yourself be inspired and perhaps find your new favorite wine!
Every person has his or her own personality. Through the passion for wine and through a lot of feeling, you get your own signature. We want to show and maintain this in both wine and sparkling wine (the noblest form of wine).
Good wines are only created through the perfect interplay of many different factors: in addition to natural influences such as soil, climate and weather, our personal experiences and ideas also flow into our wines, giving them a very special touch. We would like to briefly introduce all the people who make our wines what they are: unique and exciting.
Wir nützen die ruhigere Zeit und möchten mit euch gerne ein paar Impressionen des Sommers teilen. Im Sommer 2024 war die ÖWM bei…
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Wir sind für euch am 07. und 08. Dezember 2024 von 10 – 18 Uhr im Ursin Haus.
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