aus dem Tagebuch

Weinfrühling 2024

Am letzten Wochenende im April zeigt sich das Kamptal in bester Weinfrühlingslaune. Zwei Tage lang öffnen die Langenloiser Winzer ihre Tore und laden zur Verkostung des neuen Jahrgangs. Immer am…

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Winterruhe im Weingarten

Wunderschöner Morgen in Langenlois. Die Reben genießen ihre Winterruhe, dennoch wird schon fleißig der Rebschnitt durch geführt. Die ersten Weingärten zeigen sich schon frisch geschnitten. Andere warten noch darauf. Währenddessen…

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The vine blossom

The vine blossom is in progress. The vines have been in bloom here in Langenlois for about a week now. Depending on the location and grape variety, there are several…

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Clearing the vineyard

At the moment we are clearing one of our vineyards. Every year, a small part of our vineyards is cleared and replanted. Vines are only harvested from the 4th year…

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The winter grapevine cut

Since the turn of the year, we have been hard at work in the vineyard pruning our vines. Every day, weather permitting. Winter pruning can be carried out during the…

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The buds are bursting open!

Things are progressing rapidly in the vineyard. The buds begin to burst open and life in the vineyard awakens for the new 2022 vintage. Especially at this time of year,…

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Now that the pruning has been completed, we are also in the process of tying up the vines. With the glorious weather over the last few days, we went a…

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Spring is coming!

The long-awaited spring is finally approaching in leaps and bounds. The pruning is finished, as is the tying up. The vines are full of juice. This means that the vegetation…

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Klatsch & Tratsch


Weingut Steininger
Steininger's Weinauswahl erleben.